It is a demanding route but spectacular for its beauty. We will overcome 3 mountain passes very typical of races and marches held in the area. The first of these is Artesiaga with a little more than 15 km and an average gradient of just over 5%.
The second is the Egozkue Pass, 5.5 km long and with an average gradient of 5.5%. Between the two passes we will leave the Eugui reservoir on the right. Once we crown Egozkue, we start the descent to the town of Olave.
Until we reach the third pass, Belate, we will ride a few kilometers along the N-121 where we must take extreme caution due to the high traffic. The Alto de Belate we face it by a very quiet road and has a length of 6.5 km and an average gradient of about 4%.
To avoid a new passage on the N-121 we take the road to Ziga where we find a small ascent before reaching Irurita and take the same route as on the way out.